Mr. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi – was a Major Political and Spiritual leader of India and the Indian Independence Movement.

Mr. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi – was a Major Political and Spiritual leader of India and the Indian Independence Movement.
B. October 2, 1869 – D. January 30, 1948
From: – Parbandar, Gujarat New Delhi, India
-He was the son of Karamchand Gandhi, the Diwan of Probandar and Smt. Putlibai Gandhi.
-He was the pioneer of Satyagraha.
-He is commonly known in India and across the world as the ‘Mahatma Gandhiji’ and ‘Bapu’.
-In India, he is officially accorded the honour of ‘Father of the Nation’ and October 2, his birthday commemorate each year as National Holiday.
-Gandhi practised and advocated non-Violence and truth in all situations. He Lived Simply, Organizing an Ashram that was self-sufficient in it’s needs. Making his own clothes – the traditional Indian Dhoti and shawl woven with a ‘Charkha’.
-He lived on a simple vegetarian and later fruitarian diet.
-He underwent long fasts for both self-purification and Protest.
1883 – At the age of 13, He was married to Kasturba. They had five children the first of whom died in infancy and Four sons – Harilal, Manilal, Ramdas and Devdas.
1888 – Gandhi went to University College in London to study law and train as a barrister,
-In his spare times he studied Philosophy.
1893 – He accepted a year – long contract form an Indian firm to a post in Natal, South Africa.
1915 – He returned from South Africa to live in India.
-He spoke at the conventions of the Indian National Congress, but was Primarily introduced to politics by Gopal Krishna Gokhale.
1918 – His First major achievements with the ‘Champaran’ agitation and ‘Kheda Satyagraha’.
1921 – Gandhi was invested with executive authority on behalf of the Indian National Congress.
-Gandhi Expanded his non-violence platform to include the Swadeshi Policy – the boycott of foreign made goods, especially British goods.
1922 – Gandhi was arrested and sentenced to six years imprisonment.
1924 – He was released after an operation for appendicitis.
1930 – He launched a new Satyagraha again

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